Wine Making Equipment,Home Brew Kits

John Bull 1.8kg range

This range of kits is now longer produced. They are being deleted as we sell out. For an alternative (and possibly the same recipe) we suggest the Muntons Connoisseur 1.8kg range.

John Bull beer kits are high quality malts, using over 150 years brewing experience. Very good value kits.
All 40 pint kits unless otherwise stated. Requires sugar or Beer Kit Enhancer.
Produces a dark beer with a predominantly malty flavour. Needs the addition of 1kg of sugar or a bag of Beer Kit Enhancer.
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Country Cider
Produces 40 pints of a full flavoured, sparkling, medium-dry, traditional country cider. Needs the addition of 1kg of sugar or a bag of Beer Kit Enhancer.
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Brewing Sugar
1kg Brewing Sugar (Dextrose) will ferment out giving a better result than granulated sugar.
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Beer Kit Enhancer
Adding this 1kg bag of enhancer will give more flavour, body and character to your John Bull beer kit.
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